Thursday, 7 December 2017


What was easy was taking the photos because the camera stayed in one place. What was hard was making the person and the target and the Nerf dart because we had to shape them. We used string for the nerf dart to make it fly.

Shatytown Camp

toast by Cooper Reed What Was easy was getting the photos because I new what ones to choose out of all the photos. What Was hard was doing the writing because I did not know what to write and how to do it.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


I learned how to measure different things inside and outside. It was hard first when I started measuring because I did not know what to do. My teacher showed me how to start at 0 on the ruler. What was easy was measuring in cm.

reading with expression

What was hard was doing my writing, I learned what fluency and expression means. What was easy was taking the video.

seed Writing

I have learned that plants need a warm temperature to grow. What I thought was hard was doing my writing because I had trouble about what to write. Something I did find easy was naming the parts of a seed.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017


What we are learning about is bees are dying because people are killing the bees and the bees are in danger. Bees make the flowers grow and make honey. What was hard was doing the writing because I need to think what to write. What was easy was finding out what bees like.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Teach Your Monster to Read

Teacher Your Monster to Read from Room3 on Vimeo.

We were writing about Teach your Monster to Read so that other teachers know about it. What I found hard was making the powtoon because I need to get the bacjgrounds. What I found easy was getting my writing into the powtoon because I need to copy it.

Friday, 23 June 2017

John and the Dog

Naveta by Cooper It was hard deciding what to write as I didn't have any ideas. It was easy writing my story when I had my idea. I learnt that we had to make our story up.

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

I am learning to find 1/2 and 1/4 of shaoes.

Friday, 19 May 2017

what we are learning to do are split halves and quarters. what i found hard was copy the cupcake. what i found easy was putting them in the sorcalls.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

taking FilGht

what was hard. what I thought was hard what was writing. what was easy was getting the photos because It was easy.

Reflection Term 1 2017

What I thought was hard was using my chromebook when I am doing Mathletics because some are hard. What I thought was easy was doing my writing because I have heaps of ideas. I need to improve on my Mathletics because I am getting my tasks wrong. I have learnt how to make a movie on the ipad. I have liked doing my writing because It is fun. I have not liked doing my maths because it is hard. I have liked using the ipad because we can go on Skoolbo.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Perseverance Poster

We have been learning about perseverance. The hard part was writing the sentences. The easy part was telling each other what to write. I enjoyed working with Rhylee.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Double to 20

What was easy was getting the shapes. It was had when I had to work out the answers.